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Visual Observing

Asteroid Moon Discovery

Greetings CTASers,

This is a notification on an asteroid moon discovery coming to you from Johnny Barton and Dave Eisfeldt, your CTAS IOTA coordinators.

Back in May a couple of Australians discovered a moon that orbits the asteroid Arecibo. During the week-end of July 24-25, the IOTA conducted their annual meeting via ZOOM, and one of the discovers, Peter Nosworthy, made a very informative and entertaining presentation about the discovery. The IOTA just posted it, and I thought that many of you would enjoy seeing it. It's about 22 mins.

Here's the link:

As many of you know, Dave and I have been observing and recording asteroid occultations for several years. I've written several articles for our newsletter on some of these events, and Dave and I have made presentations at meetings describing the procedure in processing observations.

However, after seeing this presentation on the moon discovery, I just felt that Mr. Nosworthy did such a good job with visually illustrating the event, while adding an element of humor, and showing the excitement when seeing the asteroid make the star blink out, which I can testify never grows old, that I believe some of you, who may have thought about getting involved in this, will see the fun and importance of this science gathering part of amateur astronomy and might just want to join us.

If so, please give me or Dave a call, and we'll be glad to get with you.



Thanks Johnny for the message. I know you guys do a great job and have a lot of fun.




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