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Western veil and Pickering Triangle
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Yes as far as I know BB Q is still there. M31 is great project.


Welcome back, Jason!!!


Thanks everyone! I plan to knock out some great LRGB images soon from the site. I have a set of Antlia LRGB filters that haven't seen first light yet. My big project this year is to capture M31 in a wide field and replace my now 12 year old photo of it with something new and better.

Aubrey, thank you for the road information when coming in from Clifton. I assume Bunkhouse BBQ is still open? I love that BBQ and used to always stop by on the way in.

Nice image.
Jeff one comment about the price of the astronomy hobby. I think that Golf is the most expensive if you play very long.

Welcome back to the potentially most expensive hobby known to man. This is a very interesting and artistic image, quite different from anything I have seen before. Congratulations!

Welcome back. Excellent image. 

Johnny Scarborough 

Jason, that is a first class image> It looks like the Antilia NB (Ha and OIII) really does the job.

I have the Optilong LeNhance 2" and I want to get some images of the Veil with my QHY 168 C as soon as it gets back from repair in China. Had a lightening strike in late April and it took out two of my cameras. 

Just a reminder on Meyers. Right now you will encounter a bypass coming in from Clifton. Just pay attention to the signs. Its not bad just adds a few minutes to your trip. 


Hello guys. I’m back after a long hiatus from astrophotography. Just rejoined the club and hope to get up to the site to get some photos soon. I’ve been taking narrowband images from my home in Waxahachie until I can get to the dark site. My latest image of the Veil.

William Optics Redcat 51


Antlia 3nm HA, OIII filters

7 hours of 5 minute exposures.

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