I imaged this latest version with my ATIK 16200 camera in October 2023. Just got it processed. It was a nice night and the image shows a distant galaxy in the far left bottom corner.
About M13:
M13 is home to over 100,000 stars and located at a distance of 25,000 light-years. These stars are closely together in a ball about 150 light-years across. The density of stars is about a hundred times greater than the density in local area of stars near our sun. The brightest reddish stars in the cluster are ancient red giants. The blue-white stars are the hottest in the cluster. Globular clusters are found mostly in a vast halo around our galaxy. M13 is one of nearly 150 known globular clusters surrounding our Milky Way galaxy. Globular clusters have some of the oldest stars in the universe and some astronomers believe that the stars are older than the Milky Way.