CTAS phone is 254-326-1027
CTAS Club Newsletter:
Carpe Noctem Jan-Mar 2025 Vol 32 No 1
Every third Saturday of the month we offer an Open House at the Meyer Observatory near Clifton, Texas. Registration is encouraged, and we have an indoor program in case of cloudy weather.
We also host other public stargazing events (star parties) at various locations in Central Texas. Please check the Calendar of Events for Dates & Times.
Waco Star Party @ Heritage Square in downtown Waco
Outdoor events will be cancelled in case of poor weather.
(Check Calendar for dates)
Use the links in our public events calendar to the left
for schedule and registration.
Can't come to one of the public events? We can come to you! We often will host private star parties at schools, churches, scout camp outs, and the occasional promotional event, at your location. You can even rent the Meyer Observatory for your own private star party!
Members meet once a month, near the New Moon, at Meyer Observatory for the Member Star Party. The observing field is always open for members and guests.
General Membership Meeting and Programs are held quarterly.
Public is Welcome
(Check Calendar for dates)
CTAS is an entirely volunteer organization. We have no paid staff and yet we make major scientific contributions, support education and student research and reach out to the public to promote the awareness of astronomy. We are Amateur Astronomers in the truest sense:
(amateur, noun,
a person who engages in a study for
pleasure rather than for
financial benefit or professional reasons)
As a non-profit educational organization, all donations are 100% tax deductible.
Click this link to go directly to the donate page:
You can join the Central Texas Astronomical Society and experience fellowship with others who share your passion for the night skies!
The Central Texas Astronomical Society is a member of the
International Dark-Sky Association. We are also a member of the
Astronomical League, which supports astronomical societies worldwide. The Central Texas Astronomical Society is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt education organization. Contact us
by telephone or via email. We look forward to hearing from you!
Contact Us via Email
or call