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Working down the backlog of images from W1..IC 342...
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Very Nice Aubrey

Nice image Aubrey

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Astrophotography" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Working down the backlog of images from W1..IC 342 Spiral Galaxy <<$175562086640$>>
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 22:22:46 -0500

I am still working off my backlog of unprocessed images from Brickhouse Observatory. This is of IC-342, a spiral galaxy that is right in the plane of the Milky Way galaxy and is hard to see. However, my trusted SBIG STT-8300M & filters camera with 20 minute sub frames pulled it out nicely. It is about 10M LY away and has a gravitational effect on our galaxy and other members of our local group of Galaxies. Total exposure time is about 2.0 hours and was shot on January 19, 2017.

File: IC342-HIDDEN_GALAXY_V1_ST_FR_ID_SM.jpg (248.2 KB) -- Address:

I am still working off my backlog of unprocessed images from Brickhouse Observatory. This is of IC-342, a spiral galaxy that is right in the plane of the Milky Way galaxy and is hard to see. However, my trusted SBIG STT-8300M & filters camera with 20 minute sub frames pulled it out nicely. It is about 10M LY away and has a gravitational effect on our galaxy and other members of our local group of Galaxies. Total exposure time is about 2.0 hours and was shot on January 19, 2017.
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